Monday, August 6, 2012

Geek Is The New Kool \m/

So, it's true that books is the window of the world. Every words will blast off our imaginations, and every pages contain an anesthesia drugs that lead you to the cape of good dream.
So like every piece of books blows fantasies, and every single part of it flow the lights.

So these are the books that I've read recently :

1. The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffery Chaucer. It was published by The Modern Library Inc. in New York, 1929 AD (glad still got this book from granny, he bought it in 1958). It was a British Poetry about the Canterbury Church and Westminster Abbey, and about those living in 1300-1500 era. The language was so hard to chew you know. A lot of Bible quotes are written there, especially from the Psalms, Proverbs, and from the prophets' prophecy (such as Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Hosea, and others). Actually it blows up my mind and I still amazed with the Anglo-Saxons those days.

2. Then, this one. Talent Is Overrated, by Geoff Colvin. Published by The Portfolio, under The Penguin Books Inc. in London, 2010 AD. It was a best seller in Great Britain, U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Singapore, and many more. "Excellent", commented the Wall Street Journal. And The Times said that it was provocative. So I've read it, and you know what? It affects me a lot. Talent is overrated, but it depends in us, what will we do with our talents.

3. The third is Si Buta Dari Gua Hantu, written by Ganes Th. in my mum's era. Around 1970s - early 1990s. It was printed again in 2010 and it was great. It was about a blind martial art master that fight the bad guys with super and even mystical power. This comic is a great comic.

So see, GEEK IS THE NEW KOOL, right? Open your minds, read your books and not your text message, bbm, and many others. Books will relieve your pains. Get your books not your swag, cause you only live once.

Nuff said, blast your mind, this is a video from Efek Rumah Kaca with their song Jangan Bakar Buku (Don't Burn Books) that told us to open our mind and don't burn those books.


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