Wednesday, March 20, 2013

fat burning, sweat mining, health gaining

it has been some time since the last time i wrote something in this blog. then here i am again. the me with new things, yeah.

so this is the day, after 21 days since my last time i counted my weight. yeah, 21 days ago this is my stat :

190 centimeters
110,7 kilograms
XXXL shirt size
44 pants size
46 shoe size ( 12 in US measurement)

the body size was awful, cause it is not balance. i got too fatty tummy. i also got lot of stretch mark. -__-"
i felt awful cause of that. i didn't know what to do with that.


21 days ago, i've started to fast. and you know what this is my stat now!

190 centimeters
100 kilograms ---> look at this
XXXL shirt size
44 pants size
46 shoe size ( 12 in US measurement)

see, i have lost 10 kilos in 21 days! i just fast and combine it with some sports. i also drink tea in a routine (like always i do, without sugar), and eat more veggie. i feel better with my body.

you know what, when i count my weight in biology lab today, and after i see the result, i'm jumping for freaking sure! you can ask to my friends and my teacher. so the chronology was like this :

it was the 3rd day of practical exam for the 12th grader. i've passed my chem and physics test, and this morning i would face the bio test. i went to the lab for the test, and i saw a weight scale. i jumped on the weight scale and see the result. i am amazed, my friends and teacher too. i've lost 10 kgs, and i jumped like freakin' jumping, and screamed to the max.

yeah, 10 kgs in 21 days. need more days to get to the 90 kgs. i have to go for it. i have to flatten my fatty tummy. i have to burn my fat, mine the sweat, gather muscles, and gain health. for sure.

well, that's all for now, here's for you some my class' Harlem Shake video :

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