Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hello world....

Who ever slept from 2pm 'til 5.30 am?
Me, I am...

Today i woke up at 5.30 am just like the usual..
But, I've slept for about 16 hours....
Hahahah helll yeah..
Yesterday, I was so sleepy then I just slept at 2 pm... (maybe that's because of the Chemistry test)
So Ijust slept.... than woke up in the morning...
But what..... I have a Mathematics Mid Semester test....... and I didn't study at all.... what I did was just praying.. and Thank's to God Almighty, that the test is not so hard... hope I can pass this test...

And today I also watched some movies... Jennifer's Body(this is actually sucks... but the ending, music, and sex scene help this film) and Gamer (this is great)

So that's all of my posting for today from my crib, at Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (the special region)...
and this is the theme song for today.. still same artist.... Bob Marley with his song: Redemption Song


  1. HENOKH!!! wahaha emang lo dari dulu kalo ulangan ga pernah belajar, tapi slaluuu aja dapet nilai bagus :P

  2. hahahahaha mel, mel..... ini kasus e beda.... different case.... lu bayangin dah.... aku dah kaya' Kumbakarna yang bisa tidur lama banget..... hahahahahah tanpa persiapan bo..... tapi emang keren..... oh ya aku lagi dilema nih.... diantara dua pilihan....

  3. bahkan 3 mel.... help me..

  4. dilema apaan nih mas bro? cewe kah? HAAAAA cerita ceritaaaa!

  5. iya dong apalagi Mbakyu.... hahahahaha tak ceritain.... tpi jangan di sini.... oh ya kata Krishna kamu kecu...
